Bella Macchina! Celebrating Italian Cars

Carlton Towers Yorkshire (1)-min

You might dream about Ferraris, or Lamborghinis, or even Alfa Romeos but thanks to Carlton Towers you can view some of these iconic car brands up close during an exciting day celebrating Italian cars.

The Yorkshire stately home has teamed up with specialists Auto Italia to bring an Italian Car Day on Sunday 24 September.

Carlton Towers’ gothic style towers will provide a fitting backdrop as owners show off their vehicles in a stunning stately home setting.

The all-day event starts at 9.30 until 4pm. There will be a Bar & BBQ on the day, plus you can pre-book a delicious afternoon tea box.

Tickets are £10 per adult, £5 per child, afternoon tea boxes £19.95 per person or £9.95 per child. Carlton Towers tour £5 per person.

Book via this link